Introduction to CAD / CAM #1

Definition of Computer Aided Design (CAD):
Is a system design / design using computer equipment and specific design software, which allows the engineer to plan, model, and evaluate a model of a product / item accurately before production (manufacturing).

Definition of Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM):
Is a system that automatically capable of producing the product / workpiece (finished product) through the use of computer-controlled machinery.

Why should CAD:
1. The design process requires a long time and the use of paper media perishable and difficult in storage.
2. The process of editing the design on paper or media image means the same as re-drawing process that takes a long time.
3. Equipment design required in making conventional picture very much and expensive (table drawing, tracing, rapido, mechanical pencil, ruler, etc.).
4. Product life cycle (Product Life Cycle) short take rapid product design to be able to compete in the market.

History of CAD Technology
1. The development of computers for design purposes since the beginning of 1960. In the past the field of design using drawing and tracing paper media and used in every school vocational and manufacturing industry.
2. In 1970 the CAD system has become a popular and widely used, but its development is still limited to 2D design.
3. In 1980, drawing a solid technology has become a popular application programs used in the design of CAD (RomulusTM, Uni-Solid Catia).
4. In 1982 Autodesk AutoCad 2D applications issued, then in 1988 introduced Pro Eng with the main feature modeling methods and parameters linked.
5. Beginning in 1990 the world know B-rep solid modeling kernels (application for manipulation of 3D objects topology geometry models), the application is then developed by various manufacturers of CAD applications.
6. Along with the advancement of age began to appear one application program design Solid Work 1995, Solid Edge 1996, IronCad 1998.

Element - the element of CAD

1. Hardware: hardware such as computers and other supporting devices.
2. Software: an application program executed by the computer
3. Data: in the form of structural information / data that are managed by software
4. Man: is the main element of any technological progress. Because the technology is sourced from the fulfillment of human needs.

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